SWANLAC® ASL 10 is used as a natural coating for tablets and capsules in perforated/ side vented coating pans.

A.F. Suter manufactures a wide range of Shellac products. Broadly they can be clubbed into 3 segments. Please contact us for more details on the products.
Shellac is the purified form of a resinous secretion from a tiny scale insect called Kerria lacca (Kerr).
Shellac is insoluble in water but aqueous shellac solutions can be prepared by using a suitable base.
SWANLAC ASL 10 is the aqueous shellac solution manufactured by A.F. Suter.
Manufactured from a uniform & traceable insect strain & host tree source for uniform product quality across all batches
Based on Dewaxed Shellac which is a Shellac manufactured by the solvent extraction process
Solid content: 25%
pH: 7-7.6
Viscosity: Less than 50 cP
SWANLAC ASL 10 aqueous shellac solution is a true solution with low viscosity and can be applied by various methods- spraying, dipping, coating, rod immersion etc. It is a natural product with versatile application. We offer technical guidance with usage of Shellac and aqueous shellac solutions. Please Contact Us to discuss about your project.
SWANLAC ASL 10 aqueous shellac solutions finds applications in Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical as well as various Technical Applications.
AFS 701 Dewaxed Shellac and AFS 702 Dewaxed Shellac is the purified and bleached Lac (by physical absorption) according to Regulation EU 231/2012 and its specification for E 904 Shellac as a food additive.
CAS Number: 9000-59-3
EINECS Number: 232-549-9
E Number: E 904
Appearance: Yellow flakes
Packaging: 25 kg paper bags
Shelf-life: 2 years from date of production
Storage: Store under dark and dry conditions. Maximum storage temperature 15°C
Please contact us for a detailed data sheet and if you want to discuss about your applications. We also provide technical assistance for formulation with polymers, plasticisers, dyes etc.
AFS 701 Dewaxed Shellac and AFS 702 Dewaxed Shellac has applications in the Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical market as well as for various technical applications.
For Technical applications, Dewaxed Shellac as well as wax containing shellac flakes can be used. The recommended technical grade shellac flakes are AFS 703 Dewaxed Shellac and AFS 707 Wax containing Shellac. Many other Shellac grades are available depending on application and requirement. Please Contact Us for technical assistance, discussion and product recommendations.
AFS 703 Dewaxed Shellac is the purified and bleached Lac (by physical absorption) according to Regulation EU 231/2012 and its specification for E 904 Shellac as a food additive.
CAS Number: 9000-59-3
EINECS Number: 232-549-9
E Number: E 904
Appearance: Yellow to brownish-orange flakes
Packaging: 25 kg paper bags
Shelf-life: 2 years from date of production
Storage: Store under dark and dry conditions. Maximum storage temperature 15°C
AFS 707 Wax containing Shellac is the purified and bleached Lac (by physical absorption) according to Regulation EU 231/2012 and its specification for E 904 Shellac as a food additive.
CAS Number: 9000-59-3
EINECS Number: 232-549-9
E Number: E 904
Appearance: Dark red to dark brown flakes
Packaging: 25 kg paper bags
Shelf-life: 2 years from date of production
Storage: Store under dark and dry conditions. Maximum storage temperature 15°C
SWANLAC® Dewaxed Bleached Shellac is the dewaxed and bleached Lac (by chemical bleaching) according to Regulation EU 231/2012 and its specification for food additive E 904 Shellac. It also complies with the monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.- Dewaxed Bleached Shellac), US Pharmacopeia (USP- Refined Bleached Shellac) and Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP- White Shellac).
CAS Number: 9000-59-3
EINECS Number: 232-549-9
E Number: E 904
Appearance: Creamy white to brownish-yellow powder
Appearance: (20% in Ethanol) Clear solution
Packaging: 25 kg paper bags
Shelf-life: 12-months from date of manufacture
Storage: Store under dark and dry conditionsMaximum storage temperature 15°C
Please contact us for a detailed data sheet and if you want to discuss about your applications. We also provide technical assistance for formulation with polymers, plasticisers, dyes etc.
SWANLAC Dewaxed Bleached Shellac has applications in the Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical market as well as for various technical applications.
SWANLAC® Wax-Containing Bleached Shellac is the natural shellac wax containing bleached Lac (by chemical bleaching) according to Regulation EU 231/2012 and its specification for food additive E 904 Shellac. It also complies with the monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), US Pharmacopeia (USP) and Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP).
CAS Number: 9000-59-3
EINECS Number: 232-549-9
E Number: E 904
Appearance: Creamy white to brownish-yellow powder
Appearance: (20% in ethanol) Cloudy opalescent solution
Solubility: Dissolves in ethanol. Practically insoluble in water. When warmed, sparingly soluble or soluble in alkaline solutions
Packaging: 25 kg paper bags
Shelf-life: 12-months from date of production
Storage: Store under dark and dry conditions. Maximum storage temperature 15°C
Please contact us for a detailed data sheet and if you want to discuss about your applications. We also provide technical assistance for formulation with polymers, plasticisers, dyes etc.
SWANLAC® Wax-Containing Bleached Shellac has applications in the Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical market as well as for various technical applications.
Shellac is a versatile natural material with a number of applications. Shellac also includes a wide range of products so it is very important to identify the correct grade for your application. Our expert team have the knowledge and experience to identify the right solution for your needs. If you have any questions, or would like more information about our products and services, get in touch today.